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Our Ministries

Our ministries exist to help you grow, connect, and serve no matter where you are in your journey. 

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This dynamic team of volunteers is committed to teaching and leading our youngest and most impressionable people to grow closer to Jesus.


Rooted is a thriving ministry geared towards students in 7 - 12th grade. Pastor Kyle is passionate about helping young people to grow closer to Jesus. They meet Sundays from 6 - 8PM at 1Mosaic. They also meet regularly outside of Sunday nights for movie nights, midweek gatherings, and Christian camps!

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Titus Team

Titus Team exist to be a "witness" by helping meet the physical needs of those in our faith family and community who could not otherwise help themselves. If you would like assistance from the Titus Team click the "Contact" button below to complete the request form. 

House Church

Are you looking for fellowship at a deeper level? Our House Churches exist to provide a more personal more in-depth community. House Churches pray, serve, and study the Bible together! These are high-commitment groups for those ready to take their relationship with God to the next level.



Bride is our women's Bible study that meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 8:30 - 10AM at Pastor Syd's house (email for address) and Wednesdays from 7 - 9PM at 1Mosaic. Bride is a place to fellowship with like-minded believers centered on studying God's word. All ladies are welcome!


Contenders is our men's ministry. This group meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 7 - 9PM for an in depth bible study or video series and discussion. 


Renew Biblical Counseling

1Mosaic provides FREE Biblical Counseling for anyone in need. You will feel at ease talking to our compassionate and knowledgeable counselors. 


Based on 2 Corinthians 5:17, this men's fitness group meets at 5:17AM every Tuesday and Thursday not only to stay healthy physically, but to encourage one another spiritually as well!


Hospitality Team

Though hospitality is the role of everyone in our faith family, this team goes above and beyond to ensure that each and every person who enters our building feels welcomed with the love of Christ.

Worship Team

This team is passionate about worshiping our creator through music and singing and are excited to lead God's people in worshiping Him in this way too!


Tech Team

This team does it all! From running the sound and livestream to running the lights and slides during our services on Sunday, this team ensures that people both in the service and watching online can engage free of distractions!

Meal Ministry

This ministry works as the hands and feet of Jesus by providing meals to the homeless shelter twice a month and for funeral dinners.

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Adaline's Blessings 
Diaper Pantry

As a tribute to Adaline, this diaper pantry exists to provide diapers to those in need free of charge! Every 3rd Saturday from 10am - 12pm at our 737 E. Beecher St. location.

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